Tū-Whare-Ora is our very own Tūwharetoa-led Covid-19 Initiative. Nā te iwi, nō te iwi, mō te iwi!
Our Ariki, Tā Tumu Te Heuheu called on our hapū and marae to look after our people during these tough times. Tū-Whare-Ora is about preparing, protecting, and informing Ngāti Tūwharetoa during this pandemic.
Piki te ora, piki te kaha, piki te māramatanga!
Photo Credit: Tū-Whare-Ora, Te Kapua Whakapipi, Tūrangi.
Ngā Kaimahi – Staff
All our Kaimahi are kanohi kitea, they are your own Aunties, Uncles and whanaunga from all the marae around Ngāti Tūwharetoa.
We are proud to be able to run this kaupapa by us, for us!
Meet the Taupō Distributions Whānau here. Mātaki mai.