Note: Date on Poster above for Entry Closing has been altered to the 20th of May.
Tūwharetoa Māranga Rā!
Please note, our Kai Packs and Manaaki Packs are only available to whānau in the Taupō-Tūrangi areas.
All Tūwharetoa Uri living outside these area’s are serviced by other beautiful providers.
Te Mate Kowheori
Omicron is spreading through our rohe. Tū-Whare-Ora is here to help you get through it.
If you need help with isolating including kai & medicine pick ups, get in touch with us.
We strongly encourage you to GET YOUR WHARE IN ORA! That means, stocking up on resources so that you and your whānau are prepared to isolate.
The Aunties are here to help!
Kia Hiwa Ra. Kia Hiwa Ra. Get prepared.
Now is the time to get ready for COVID-19 in our community.
Follow these simple steps to make a whānau plan or download it here.
Staying safe
We know that by now, you probably know people who have either had Covid or are currently going through it. Covid-19 Symptoms are different for everyone. Our best advice is to do what is best for you and your whānau and we can support that.
Common COVID-19 symptoms include:
- A new or worsening cough
- Sneezing and runny nose
- A fever
- Temporary loss of smell or altered sense of taste
- Sore throat
- Shortness of breath
A full list of symptoms, including Long COVID, can be found here.
Rapid Antigen Tests are now Available FREE
Please register all RAT’s Tests at Order your tests before coming to pick up from The Great Lake Centre in Taupō or 33 Tūranga Place in Tūrangi.
The COVID-19 vaccine is critical to protecting our community and regaining our freedom to do the things we love and be with our friends and whānau. It has never been more urgent to protect our whakapapa. Get your vaccine now.
Guidance for Marae
Our kaimahi and ringawera are developing some guidance policies around our Marae. Give us a call if you need help with this kaupapa 0800 473 672
Health and wellbeing support
For health support, contact your GP or call Healthline on 0800 611 116. If it is an emergency, contact 111. Don’t delay seeking medical assistance for ANY health conditions.
For support with anxiety, distress or mental wellbeing, you can call or text 1737 to talk with a trained counsellor for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Financial support
For financial support, contact Tūwharetoa Whānau Ora Collective (07 213 1995) or Work and Income (0800 559 009).
There is more financial support advice on the COVID19 website, including if you need to self-isolate, get a test or need help with essential costs.
Employment support
For employment support, contact Employment New Zealand (0800 20 90 20)
Support for Pakihi owners
We understand this is a stressful time for business owners. Support is available to you here.
This includes:
- Mandatory vaccinations for workers
- Getting your QR code poster
- Financial support
- Vaccination Q&A for businesses
Download and Print at your convenience to help Manage Covid-19 in your whare. Please note, the information and advice is likely to change but we endeavour to provide the latest updates.